Sync Airtable to Front in Five Minutes

Nathan Ricks
Nathan Ricks

Having accurate and up-to-date information synced from Airtable to Front can enable much smoother support operations.

However, no native integration exists between these two systems.

Luckily, Polytomic enables fast data syncing between Airtable and Front.

This blog post will explore how you can use Polytomic to set up a sync between Airtable and Front in less than five minutes. No coding required.

Step 1 - Setup

Once you get started with Polytomic, the first thing you’ll do is connect Airtable and Front to Polytomic.

To connect Airtable, just grab your Airtable API key from your Airtable account page under ‘API’. Then enter your API key in Polytomic for instant connection.

To connect Front, obtain your Front API token by going to Settings → Developers → go to the API Tokens tab → click Create API token. Be sure to at least enable the Shared resources scope. Then enter your API token in Polytomic for instant connection.

Once everything is connected to Polytomic, the next step is to create your data model.

Step 2 - Create a Model

A data model is a specific selection of data from your source system (Airtable in this case) that you can then set up a sync for.

You can take any Airtable base, table, and even specific data fields that you have access to and save them into your data model.

For example, you could select the ‘Contacts’ table from a ‘CRM’ base to save into your data model.

You might also want to create another model with contact-related information and then join it to your first model so the data can be sent over together.

Whatever data you can join across Airtable and Front using a common key, you can save that data into a model and sync it over. This leads us to the final step…

Step 3 - Set Up the Sync

Setting up the sync starts with you choosing your destination (Front in this case) as well as the target object in the destination system.

For example, the ‘Contacts’ object within Front.

You can then select from one of three sync modes:

  • Create: Create records when they don’t exist; don’t update existing ones
  • Update: Update existing records only; don’t create new ones
  • Create or Update: Update records when they exist and create them when they don’t

From there, you map the data from Airtable to Front starting with the identity (the key) and then individual fields. That way, the data arrives where you expect it to.

Additionally, you can select model filters so that only data that meets certain criteria get synced, and you can select certain overrides.

The last step in this process is to select how often you’d like the data to sync. It could be continuous, hourly, daily, weekly, one-time, or based on a custom schedule.

Once that sync is saved, you can choose to sync five random records as a test or go ahead and enable the sync to start running.

And that’s it! Your data is now seamlessly flowing from Airtable to Front.

Other Nice Features

Some other things we think you’ll love:

  • Only sync data that has changed
  • Minimal API usage
  • Custom SQL queries
  • Error detection and handling
  • ‘Best Support’ in our category according to G2


With three quick steps, Polytomic makes it easy to have seamless data integration between Airtable and Front.

Start today by getting a free trial.

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